New Name and Defined Mission

New Name

I wanted to create a brief blog post explaining a new turning point for this brand.

Radical Fenix is now called FenixEXP!

There are a couple of reasons for this change. For one, the word “Radical” didn’t mean much and didn’t explain what this brand is about. I only had picked it because it sounded cool and the brand’s main reddish color is called “Radical Red”.

Adding the “EXP” to the name serves a purpose in explaining what this brand is about.

Firstly it works as a shortened term for the word “experience” which is an integral part of this brand.

Secondly, the term is widely used in the world of video games meaning “experience points”. This also fits with the brand since we are aiming to empower people to level up in real life as they do in video games by gaining EXP.

Defined Mission

So far there wasn’t a clearly defined mission laid out so it was about time to change that.

The FenixEXP mission is to empower people to free themselves from mental shackles through truly transformational engaging experiences.

Currently, this mission is being fulfilled by providing 1 on 1 coaching for people and exploring ways to utilize video games to enable people to transform and free themselves.


Most likely the name and mission will get tweaked in the future as this brand evolves. But that is a part of this process. To constantly evolve and redefine everything.


List of Links for Game Dev Jobs


What Is the Experience Economy